However I did write
So those things that make you more like God (bring you closer to Him) are by definition good. It is not then that God is good and good is God, it is that God IS good. This does not mean however that good IS God in the sense that you meant above. Instead good in that context is the process of becoming like God.This may come across as some form of irrational nit picking so I will try to unpack what I meant. First though it should be noted upfront that the Orthodox faith is neither one of Sola Scriptura nor one that believes the Old and New Testaments are intended to be read in a literal sense. This is a position that both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox faith have held for two millennia and not something adduced recently to upset atheists. Anyone that disagrees with these points will be fundamentally unhappy with this essay.
My argument is not that God and good are one-and-the-same but that when man strives to be like God through the Icon of His Son Jesus Christ (John 14:9) that he moves towards his true and intended nature (Gen 1:27) and thus towards good.
St. Augustine writes in On Christian Doctrine
For when the one supreme God of gods is thought of, even by those who believe that there are other gods, and who call them by that name, and worship them as gods, their thought takes the form of an endeavour to reach the conception of a nature, than which nothing more excellent or more exalted exists. And since men are moved by different kinds of pleasures, partly by those which pertain to the bodily senses, partly by those which pertain to the intellect and soul, those of them who are in bondage to sense think that either the heavens, or what appears to be most brilliant in the heavens, or the universe itself, is God of gods: or if they try to get beyond the universe, they picture to themselves something of dazzling brightness, and think of it vaguely as infinite, or of the most beautiful form conceivable; or they represent it in the form of the human body, if they think that superior to all others. Or if they think that there is no one God supreme above the rest, but that there are many or even innumerable gods of equal rank, still these too they conceive as possessed of shape and form, according to what each man thinks the pattern of excellence. Those, on the other hand, who endeavour by an effort of the intelligence to reach a conception of God, place Him above all visible and bodily natures, and even above all intelligent and spiritual natures that are subject to change. All, however, strive emulously to exalt the excellence of God: nor could any one be found to believe that any being to whom there exists a superior is God. And so all concur in believing that God is that which excels in dignity all other objects.Here St. Augustine is arguing that when men think of God they imagine him to be the best, truest possible example of what is good. In other words men hold God to be a transcendent good. Note also how St. Augustine makes it clear that even this transcendent good which man endeavours to imagine is not a complete or correct image of God (John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12), because God is ineffable, but instead is the best that man can understand with his limited (non-infinte) reason.
In On the Incarnation St. Athanasius writes
For God is good—or rather, of all goodness He is Fountainhead, and it is impossible for one who is good to be mean or grudging about anything. Grudging existence to none therefore, He made all things out of nothing through His own Word, our Lord Jesus Christ and of all these His earthly creatures He reserved especial mercy for the race of men.Here again it is clear that God is a transcendant good, but beyond that God is also the source of all that is good (Gen 1:31). So great indeed is God's goodness that He gave man free will -- the choice to stay true to God's image or to be something less. This 'less' is turning away from man's true nature and purpose (Gen 1:26) and in Greek is called hamartia -- literally 'missing the mark.'
As with almost anything in Scripture, or at least those areas not dogmatized by the seven ecumenical councils, hamartia or, in English, sin may be understood in several ways. In the Western traditions of Christianity, sin and man's relation with God is most often understood in legal terms. In the Eastern traditions this is rarely so. Instead man's relationship with God is typically understood in pastoral terms with sin viewed as disease and Jesus as the Great Physician of man. Neither tradition is in and of itself necessarily wrong but they do tend to lead Christians along different paths to the same goal.
As the transcendent good, God may in a sense be thought of as goodness itself. I would argue this is dangerous as it tends to reduce God into a god of goodness akin to something out of pagan mythology. A reduction that would likely create opportunity for heretical understandings of God.